Control the reliability of the data entered based on French
mobile subscriber data

With ID MOBILE, make the entry of
Mobile subscriber data reliable

With the ID MOBILE module, collecting reliable data has never been as easy. Based on a mobile phone number, ID MOBILE consults French Telecoms operators’ subscriber databases in real time in order to:


FORM FILLING: Autocomplete of forms via the mobile number

The user chooses to fill in their form by logging in with their mobile phone number. They receive a link by SMS to log in via their mobile phone: by logging in, they authorize their Telecoms operators to share their contact data with the brand. The WEB or CRM form is then filled in automatically.

When filling in the web form, the solution checks the consistency and reliability of the data entered by the user in comparison to their customer account data held by the mobile operator.

The solution combats SIM swap fraud and reduces the risk of customer account theft by strengthening authentication processes based on SIM card age.

The customer agrees that their Telecoms operator may directly send the requesting establishment their latest phone bill proving their place of residence.


Why equip yourself with the ID
MOBILE module?

More than seven out of ten companies have suffered at least one fraud attempt in the same year. Identity theft is fraudsters’ favorite technique. To protect your company from this well-known type of fraud, it’s better to adopt a solution that enables you to authenticate your buyers with certainty and make their data reliable. You therefore avoid putting in place strong security and verification protocols that slow down the customer journey and increase the abandonment rate.

The benefits of the ID MOBILE module

Fighting fraud

Reduction in the fraud rate for online orders thanks to strengthened identity checks.

Optimized conversion

The obstacles to customer account creation are removed thanks to quick and secure form filling.

Smooth customer journey

Increase in conversion rates thanks to the optimization of customer journeys and the simplification of customer account creation in a few clicks, with no effort.

Good to know

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