Check and correct titles, first names,
and last names with NAME
The NAME module enables you to instantly simplify and make reliable the info submitted in the Title, First Name, and Last Name fields of your forms.
Based on inputted title, NAME lets you to easily improve and maintain the quality of your customer databases in real time or in batch mode.

Consistency check between the first name and the title entered
A title entered not matching the gender of the first name will be detected to alert the user so that they can correct it. This feature is available in real time.

Title correction suggestion
This happens when the title has not been entered or has been entered incorrectly in a database. This feature is available in batch mode.

Input assistance with first and last names
Autocomplete of the first name field according to the title selected and the first letters entered, and the last name field.

Processing reversals between the last name and first name fields:
In addition to correcting title errors, the technology can process reversals between last and first name fields.

Why use the NAME module?
Validation of first name, last name, and title is often neglected in data collection. However, the accuracy of this data is essential to qualify and address your prospective customers correctly.
With NAME input help, you avoid errors with this data and prevent false names from entering your customer database. Contact your customers and prospective customers with peace of mind and personalize your messages. Thanks to NAME, you have your recipient’s or contact’s title, first name and last name in your CRM without errors. The reliable quality of this data enables you to rapidly identify your contact, control your targeting, personalize your communications, and improve interaction with your customers and prospects.

The benefits of the NAME module

Rapid input
Significant time savings when inputting first and last names in online forms.

Marketing performance
Increases the effectiveness of campaigns as personalized messages can be written without gender errors.

Customer relationship
Better customer experience in stores or in call centers via a greater sense of belonging and engagement.

Single customer view
First and last names become reliable and standardized additional search keys, improving deduplication operations.
How does it integrate in your