DQE One for Salesforce

The DQE One solution is available in the Salesforce CRM interface


DQE One, a native integration to
Salesforce CRM

Reliable data is essential to the success of digital transformation projects, which is why DQE offers direct integration of its technology with Salesforce, the leader in CRM solutions. Thanks to our connectors, DQE and Salesforce client companies can now perform data quality processing effortlessly, avoiding costly and burdensome projects. DQE’s solutions are available in Salesforce via the Appexchange.

Check all the customer contact data in Salesforce CRM

With DataQ, you can access checks made on the postal address or phone number directly in your Salesforce interface and through two available processing methods:

UNIFY your customer data directly in Salesforce CRM

Unify for Salesforce creates and maintains a single, centralized view of your customers, leads, and contacts. Unify incorporates Smart Contextual Matching (SCM) DQE technology to optimally identify duplicates and go beyond fuzzy logic algorithms. Unify is natively integrated into the Salesforce workflow and provides advanced data fusion, data stewardship, and data quality improvement tracking capabilities.

In addition, the Look-up feature enables you to obtain a 360° view of your customers. The Look-up module of Unify allows you to communicate with databases external to Salesforce (SCV, e-commerce, ERP, etc.) to enhance the customer record directly in Salesforce.

DQE One: Enhance Your 360 Analysis in Salesforce Data Cloud

With Data Cloud, immerse yourself in a cutting-edge multi-platform data management experience, offering a 360-degree view of your customers. The key to this panoramic view? Data quality. And that’s where our DQE One offering comes in, featuring flagship tools: DataQ Batch, Unify, and Lookup.

Accessible via the DQE One module integrated into Salesforce, our solution simplifies the process by allowing you to select Data Cloud as the data source for your operations. With our key performance indicators (KPIs), you’ll enrich your data model objects (DMOs), ensuring reliable matching criteria to fully leverage the identity resolution offered by Data Cloud.

Optimize your analysis and unlock the full potential of your data with DQE One.

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