Boost your online payment forms and the experience you offer your customers with DQE solutions.
Adobe Commerce is an Open-Source e-commerce platform dedicated to the creation and administration of online sales websites, which enables retailers to offer unique and effective shopping experiences. For DQE and for Adobe Commerce, online buying experiences must be outstanding. In this way, DQE has developed a connector, in partnership with Adobe Commerce, to boost your online payment forms. Strengthen your e-commerce strategy by integrating the DQE One solution on your platform. The DQE connector for Adobe Commerce checks in real time that the customer data collected and saved on your platform is reliable.
Healthy and high-quality data supporting the objectives pursued by our partner:
DQE One improves the user and customer experience by accelerating and simplifying data entry at the payment stage.
The DQE connector for Adobe Commerce simplifies the input and verification of the shipping address before it enters your database to reduce the cost of missed deliveries.
By simplifying the input of e-mail addresses and checking in real time whether an e-mail address is correct and can be delivered to, the DQE connector for Adobe Commerce improves the deliverability of e-mail campaigns and the sender’s reputation.
Thanks to the verification of last names, first names and phone numbers, you can be sure to reach the right person at the right number easily (delivery notification, customer service calls, etc.).
The verification of contact data and your customers’ identity at payment reduces the risk of fraud.
Adobe Commerce enables retailers to create multichannel B2B and B2C shopping experiences on one platform. From the catalog to payment via order processing, Adobe Commerce enables you to benefit from a flexible, extendible and scalable commerce platform.
Adobe Commerce provides powerful tools to help you launch, manage and develop your activity with total confidence. The platform is set apart by its modular core and headless functionality, which enables you to rapidly incorporate new technologies and target customers at multiple touchpoints.
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